Covid-19 Update
Dear Patients,
We hope everyone is well and adjusting to this new “normal.” We are certainly glad to be back to work, and seeing you. Just a brief note to catch you up on the changes and happenings taking place here in the office, for yours and our safety.
It’s looking a little different in here, with the operatories closed off from the hall, (imagine big bubbles!) Dr. Kahle, Judy and our hygienists are covered head to toe, in the CDC and ADA suggested PPE. We have added air purifiers, our room cleaning is as thorough as it has always been. You can be assured we are providing a safe environment for your dental treatment. And, if you decide you aren’t ready to see us yet we completely understand and know you will reach out when ready.
We added it up…over 740 appointments to reschedule!!! Whew! Cindy is working exclusively on re-scheduling appointments that had to be postponed. There are a couple of things to note about this process:
1. We are working with a diminished staff. Paula has retired and Nicole will be home through the summer until school begins.
2. Lucky for us, Lynette, and Treeci are holding down the fort but we are at half capacity. Susie, who helps us as needed will be working some additional days making it possible to add in extra appointments for cleanings.
3. Even with Susie’s help we have limited appointments.
4. In addition, appointment times have been extended allowing for the extra time we need to screen patients, change PPE and room cleaning.
5. When Nicole returns to us at school time, we will be able to have two hygienists working several days a week.
6. Upon scheduling future recall appointments, for a while, we may extend your appointment by 2-4 weeks.
Thank you so much to those patients we’ve seen, for following our new protocol of texting upon your arrivals, wearing your masks and patiently answering our Covid 19 screening questions.
Thank you for being patient with us. We are doing our best to accommodate everyone in a timely and safe manner.
Dr. Kahle, Lisa, Cindy, Judy, Lynette, Treeci and Nicole.
Please feel free to check on our website or our Facebook page
Stephanie Kahle, DDS for any future changes or progress here in the office.